dilluns, 14 de desembre del 2009


CV – Dània Mesa
Personal Details
Full name: Dània Mesa
Date of birth: 29/06/1983
Permanent address: 10 Passatge Barcelona, 3r. 1a.
Sant Joan les Fonts
Postcode: 17857
Mobile phone: 650278814
Email: daniampozas@hotmail.com
Marital status: single
NID: 43633731-V

Educational history
September 2008 – present - training cycle degree in International trade in IES Bosc de la Coma in Olot.

2005 – Global Estrategias (Girona). Workshop complains care (techniques and procedures for actions by phone, in writing and in person).

1999 – 2000 – middle-level training cycle of administrative in IES Bosc de la Coma in Olot.

1997 – 1999 – Secondary school (ESO) a l’IES-SEP La Garrotxa d’Olot.

1987 – 1997 – Primary school in Mestre Andreu.
French (B), Mathematics (A), Biology (B)
Employment history

October 2007 – Restaurant Les Cols d’Olot. Serving as a waitress in the restaurant. Wedding coordinator. Dealing directly with customers.
2004-2007 – Pa Artesà Olot. Administrative assistant in the sales. Direct contact with clients from all over Spain. The order management to biling.

2003-2004 – Perfumeria Estel in Olot. Shopgirl.

2000-2003 – Tècniques Frigorífiques Aplicades (TFA) in Olot. Administrative assistant. Sales department, warehouse control and archiving.


Word-processing. Excel. Power Point. Spoken and written Catalan and Spanish, French and English and basic knowledge.
Hobbies and interests
Doing sport. Travel and know other cultures.
Gil, Manuel
Manager, Pa Artesà Olot
Vallespir Street



From: corinne.peters@crysgro.com To: soconnor@kiltco.co.uk
Subject: Meeting up

Hi Siobhan!
I’m seeing/meeting my customers till Wednesday noon; therefore, dinner should be on Wednesday ---night
I‘ll book a table in a restaurant which has been recently opened and it is really successful.
Afterwards, I’ll send you an email with the time of the meeting and the restaurant address.

See you soon!

Dània Mesa